There’s a difference in who we are on the surface and who we are deep down. 

There’s a difference in hearing and reading about God and knowing God deeply.

There’s a difference in small talk and deep sharing.

There’s a difference in living at the surface of things and plumbing the depths.

You are invited to come explore deeper waters.




There comes a time in life when the surface, shallow things
don’t satisfy us anymore.

We sense there is more to us,
more to life,
more to God.

We hear Jesus’ invitation to leave the familiar shores of our existence,
and to put out into the deep water.

It’s at once compelling and terrifying.
We don’t really know what’s out there.
But there’s something that makes us want to find out.

Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration
 is a place for gathering with other explorers
of the Deep
For moving beyond small talk and surface acquaintances
For finding new tools and practices for discovery
For getting on board with Jesus
For learning how to fish and how to swim,
how to sink and how to surrender.
For discovering deeper truth about ourselves
deeper purpose in life,
deeper love of the Divine.





Created in 2008, Deep Waters Center for Prayer and Exploration is a place for diving deeper—into ourselves and community, into prayer and spiritual practice, into our real lives, and ultimately always into the love and mystery of God.  Called to be part of God’s Beloved Community, on the edge between the Church and the world, Deep Waters welcomes folks who have found a home in a traditional church and are seeking more, and those who have perhaps struggled with religious institutions and are seeking an alternative.  All seekers are welcome!

Deep Waters is a safe and sacred place where you can come with both your belief and doubt, successes and struggles, light and darkness, known and unknown and trust it will be held it in the healing light and love of God.

My hope and prayer is that Deep Waters will be a peaceful harbor where your soul can find its Anchor, and a springboard for you to embark on adventurous diving expeditions.

Come dive in!